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Universe Of Life Outside Earth

Class 10th Science Rajasthan Board Solution

Exercise Questions
Question 1.

What was present before the formation of the universe?
A. water

B. Existence

C. Non existence

D. None of these



Question 2.

Which scientist revived the idea of static universe?
A. Darwin

B. Oparin

C. Einstein

D. Stanley miller


Einstein revived about static universe. At the night sky, the whole group of celestial objects like stars, planets etc is called ‘universe’. Earth is very small part of this endless universe.

Question 3.

Which is the most accepted hypothesis about the formation of universe?
A. Stable universe

B. Big-Bang

C. Biocentrism

D. Indian hypothesis


Big-bang theory is most accepted hypothesis about formation of universe because it does not violate any known laws of Physics. It is successful in explaining origin of universe and different stages of development.

Question 4.

About how many year before was the photosynthetic life present on the Earth?
A. 4 Million

B. 3 million

C. 5 Million

D. Infinite


It has been known by study of microfossils obtained from rocks during haeden period that photosynthetic life was present on the Earth about 4 million years ago.

Question 5.

What do we call the group of organisms capable of maintaining its characteristics from generation to generation?
A. Genus

B. Phylum

C. Community

D. Species


The group of organisms that are capable of maintaining its characteristics from generation to generation are called species. There are about 3 lakh species of plants, 12 lakh species of animals and 10 lakh species of plants.

Question 6.

In which sukta of ‘Rigveda’, the origin of universe has been discussed in detail?


The origin of universe has been discussed in detail in the Nasadiya Sukta of the Rig Veda. These suktas were also quoted by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru in his book 'Discovery of India’.

Question 7.

Can life be considered as the group of molecules?


Life can not be considered as the group of molecules. According to Oparin the first living organism might have been originated from complex composition of chemical substances. But other scientists believe that life must have been showered on Earth in form of microspores in haeden period.

Question 8.

Which molecule is the basis of present life?


Present life is completely based on DNA. RNA carries the information collected in DNA out of nucleus to cytoplasm. DNA was not present in primitive stages of life, RNA was playing the role of DNA and protein along its own role.

Question 9.

What change has become in the scientific thinking about the primitive atmosphere of the Earth?


A strategic change has been observed or noticed about primitive atmosphere that it was dominated by gases containing oxygen in them such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, water vapour etc.

Question 10.

What do we call the history of development of each species?


Each species found on earth have been developed from pre existing species due to many changes in them in due course of time. The history of development of each species is called PHYLOGENY.

Question 11.

How do we get the information about extinct organisms?


We know that life was originated on earth billions of years ago in different forms and many organisms have become extinct. The information about these extinct organisms is obtained by their available remains called 'Fossils’. Fossils have been formed by living organisms that were buried under the Earth millions of years ago.

Some Fossils are so strong that they do not look lakhs of years ago old. For example fossil of an animal similar to Elephant buried under the ice. Fossil buried under resin or lac are also good.

Question 12.

In which form was the fossil of ‘Archaeopteryx’ found?


Many times the body of buried animal gets destroyed gradually but its picture is formed. The fossil of archaeopteryx was found in form of picture and it was known that birds were evolved from reptiles. Archaeopteryx lived in the Late Jurassic around 150 million years ago and it was the oldest known bird like dinosaur. Archaeopteryx plays an important role, not only in the study of the origin of birds, but also in the study of dinosaurs.

Question 13.

What are vestigial organs? Name anyone of vestigial organs of human body.


Organisms that have become evolved over a period of time and have lost their original function and don’t perform any function are known as vestigial organs.They occur in animals (and plants) which have changed their style of life from their ancestors. Thus snakes lost their legs as their system of movement changed. But one type of snake have vestigial rear legs.Wisdom teeth and appendix found on intestine are vestigial organs of human body.

Question 14.

Can life come on the Earth from outer space?


Yes, Life can come from outer space. This assumption was supported by scientists that life was showered on Earth and Mars in the form of microspores during Haeden Period. Strong Evidences were presented to support the opinion that microspores can also lie on other planet after being transported from another planet . There is scope of formation of life in many places. As the meteors are falling on earth the existence of earth is being investigated

Question 15.

Explain the Indian thinking about the origin of the universe.


● In modern period scientists think about universe but in Vedic period Rishis thought about origin of universe. It is discussed in detail in 'Nasadiya Sukta of Rig veda’. This suktas were also quoted by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru in the 'Discovery of India’.

● Swami vivekanand told that consciousness created the universe by becoming various from one. Different organisms and objects are different forms of consciousness originally. This belief is called Advait. He also said that question about origin and development of universe has been replied many times and it would be replied many more times.

● According to basic principle of whole universe, everything starts with a seed. It develops up to its extreme limit and finally gets destroyed after producing seeds. Seeds cannot develop into a plant immediately, it has to wait in soil for sometime to prepare itself. In same way universe also does necessary work for sometime. It is called pre-state of creation or Holocaust.

Question 16.

Explain the theory of biocentrism of origin of universe. What is the main difference between physical theory and this theory?


● Theory of Biocentrism was given by Robert Lanza and Bob Berman in 2007. According to Biocentrism theory the existence of universe is due to life. It means universe has been formed for creation and development of life. Theories from philosophy to physics have been included in theory of biocentrism. Independent will power of humans can be understood by biocentrism.

● Later, many scientists presented this theory in strong language on the basis of quantum mechanics. According to theory of Biocentrism, there is no physical existence of Einstein's hypothesis of position and time, but there are realisations of human consciousness only.

● Supporters of this theory say that every event of the nature seems to be happened in the benefit of human beings. Meteors shower happened on the Earth billions of years ago was also in the benefit of human beings due to dinosaurs were destroyed and mammals could be developed rapidly. If these meteors would have bigger size then whole life could have been destroyed.

In Physical theory living things are produced in nature from non living things such as frogs are produced from muds and flies are produced from rotten meat. And life has been developed from complex composition of chemical substances only.

Question 17.

What is the ‘big bang’ theory of origin of universe? What is the main difference between Indian cosmology and this theory?


● Big bang theory is most successful theory in explaining origin of universe and different stages of its development. It gained importance because it does not violate any known laws of physics.

● According to this theory, about 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter of universe were concentrated at single tiny point. This began to enlarge rapidly in hot explosion, and it is expanding still today. Subatomic particles were produced when universe was cooled after explosion. And then simple atoms were produced by these subatomic particles.

● These simple atoms formed big clouds of primary elements like hydrogen, helium, lithium. Stars and galaxies were formed by condensation of these clouds due to gravitation. Later,primary elements in stars or supernovas produced heavy elements.

● It has been found that speed of expansion of universe is increasing. Universe will go on expanding continuously and will freeze after cooling. Recently, large amount of dark matter and dark energy has been noticed in the universe. But what is its role? This question is not answered yet.

The main difference between Big-bang theory and Indian cosmology is that in bigbang theory there was nothing before 13 billion years ago, it came out from zero. But in Indian cosmology there is repetitive cycle of developing and destroying after a limit and again developing from zero like a cycle of egg and bird.

Question 18.

What do you mean by organic evolution? How must organic evolution have place according to your opinion ? Explain.


● Organic evolution is the process in which organisms change or evolve over time due to environmental changes. Organic evolution was explained by ‘Charles Darwin’ in his book named 'The origin of species’ in 1859.

● Darwin explained the origin of species through the process natural selection. When there is struggle for food, space and other sources between large number of organisms, then offsprings which is fittest according to the nature survives and a new species is formed. Also he considered monkey as ancestor of humans.

● Margulis said that evolutionists talk about history of organisms for last 50 million years only but life existed on earth much earlier than that, as fossils older than 400 million years ago have been also found. He said that ancestor of all organisms is 'Bacterium’.

In my opinion after the dinosaurs died, there were plants already on earth, and some insects or bacteria or microorganisms might have developed nearby those trees or inside woods. And evolution of life might have taken place from small organisms to large organisms. Also, it may be that God is the designer of all creatures, and everything has a purpose and a place as ordained by him. When this purpose is completed ,the organisms evolve for some new purpose and the evolution continues.