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Class 8th Geography Resources And Development CBSE Solution

Question 1.

Answer the following questions:

What is agriculture?


The art of cultivation on the soil, raising crops and rearing livestock is known as agriculture. Agriculture, in its various forms, sustains life on earth. It provides us with food, meat and milk. Agriculture is a primary source of livelihood for many people in rural areas.

Question 2.

Answer the following questions:

Name the factors influencing agriculture.


The factors influencing agriculture are:

a. Climate: Climate plays a very important role in agriculture. Too hot or too cold climatic conditions do not support agriculture.

b. Soil: Fertile soil is integral to agriculture. Soil must have adequate mineral and organic content to support crops. Deserts are unsuitable for agriculture because of barren soil devoid of any organic content.

c. Relief : Geographical areas also have an impact on agriculture. Plains are most suitable for agriculture while hilly areas and plateaus are difficult to cultivate on.

d. Other factors such as availability of irrigation facilities, size of the landholdings, transport facilities, etc also play a role since without these amenities modern agriculture would not be a profitable enterprise.

Question 3.

Answer the following questions:

What is shifting cultivation? What are its disadvantages?


Shifting cultivation is that process of agriculture where a small area of forest is cleared by cutting down all the trees and by burning. The ashes are mixed with the soil to make it more fertile and land is used for agriculture. When the soil loses its fertility, cultivators then shift to another patch of land and repeat the process.

Disadvantages of shifting cultivation are:

a. It leads to the deforestation and loss of natural vegetation.

b. The deforested patch of land when left abandoned makes soil lose which becomes more prone to soil erosion.

Question 4.

Answer the following questions:

What is plantation agriculture?


It is a type of commercial farming practiced on farms known as estates to grow a single crop like tea, coffee, sugarcane, rubber, etc. Produce of plantation agriculture is mostly for export or sale in the market. The crops produced in plantation agriculture are cash crops.

Question 5.

Answer the following questions:

Name the fiber crops and name the climatic conditions required for their growth.


Fibre crops are field crops used for making cloth, rope or paper. The fiber crops are cotton and jute. Climatic conditions for their growth are as follows:


a. High temperature of about 27°C during the growth period.

b. Rainfall of about 60 cm to 100 cm with frequent showers.

c. Fertile, well drained soil.

d. Dry, clear and sunny weather during the ripening of cotton bolls.

Jute: Climatic conditions required for the growth of Jute:

a. Warm and wet climate.

b. Rich and fertile Alluvial soil

c. Heavy rainfall with frequent pouring.

Question 6.

Tick the correct answer:

Horticulture means__________.
A. growing of fruits and vegetables.

B. primitive farming.

C. growing of wheat


Horticulture is the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants, seeds, herns, nuts etc.

Question 7.

Tick the correct answer:

Golden fibers refers to ________.
A. Tea

B. Cotton

C. Jute


Jute is known as golden fibre because it is a cash crop and can be profitable when sold in market. It is also golden in colour because of which it is known as golden fibre.

Question 8.

Tick the correct answer:

Leading producer of coffee is ________.
A. Brazil

B. India

C. Russia


Brazil has warm and dry climate with a well defined rainy season which is ideal climatic condition needed for coffee production

Question 9.

Give reasons:

In India agriculture is a primary activity.


In India agriculture is a primary activity because nearly 70% of India’s population is engaged in this activity directly or indirectly. It provides food for human beings and raw materials for agro-based industries. It is also a primary activity for people in rural areas and India has very high rural population.

Question 10.

Give reasons:

Different crops are grown in different regions.


Different crops need different climatic and geographical conditions. So each crop is grown in region which has a climate and relief suitable for its adequate growth.

Question 11.

Distinguish between the following.

Primary activities and tertiary activities


Question 12.

Distinguish between the following.

Subsistence farming and intensive farming


Question 13.

Collect seeds of wheat, rice, jowar, bajra, ragi, maize, oilseeds and pulses available in the market. Bring them to the class and find out in which types of soil they grow.


Every crop requires different kind of soil to grow in:

Wheat: It grows good in well-drained loamy soil. Black soil provides excellent quality grain.

Rice: It grows well in alluvial clayey soil which can retain water.

Jowar, Bajra, Ragi: These can be grown is less fertile and sandy soil.

Maize: It requires well drained, deep and fertile soil.

Oilseeds: Oilseeds are grown in alluvial soil and in black soil. Mustard requires alluvial soil.

Pulses: They are grown in less fertile alluvial soil and red soil.

Question 14.

Find out the difference between the life style of farmers in the USA and India on the basis of pictures collected from magazines, books, newspapers and the internet.


USA is a developed country while India is a developing country. The differences in economic growth is reflected in how agriculture is practiced in these two countries.The following points will clear the difference between the life style of the farmers in the USA and India:

Life Style of Farmers in The USA:

(i) Farmers have large size of farms ranging between 100 – 300 hectares.

(ii) They use high dose of fertilizers.

(iii) They use modern techniques and machines like harvesters in agriculture.

(iv) They generally live in farm houses.

(v) They use high quality of seeds and take adequate measures to control pests and improve soil fertility.

(vi) They are generally well educated. They work like businessmen and maintain proper accounts of expenditure and income.

(vii) They sell their produce in big markets and export them to other countries also.

Life Style Of Farmers in India:

(i) The farmers generally do not have farms more than 1.5 hectares in India.

(ii) They generally hire big machines for farming or works with small machines.

(iii) They are not aware of the properties of soil and lack soil testing facilities.

(iv) The farmers lack storage facilities and sell produce in nearby markets (mandis).

(v) They are not educated and cannot keep accounts of farm activities.

(vi) They live in kuchcha houses in villages.

(vii) All the members of family are engaged in agricultural activities.

Question 15.

For Fun
Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of given clues:

1. Crop that needs well drained fertile soils, moderate temperature and lots of sunshine (5).
2. Increasing production through use of HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides (5, 10).
4. USA, Canada, Russia, Australia are major producers of this crop (5).
10. Type of farming to meet family needs (11).
13. Rearing of animals for sale. (9)
14. Growing grapes for wine (11).
1. Coarse grains are also called (7).
3. Cultivation involving slash and burn (8).
5. Growing of crops, fruits and vegetables (11).
6. Tea, coffee, sugarcane and rubber are grown in (11).
7. Requires 210 frost-free days for growth (6).
8. Growing of flowers (12).
9. Also called golden fiber (4).
10. Also known as paddy (4)
12. Activity concerned with extraction of natural resources (7).
